
Progetto “L’industria Smart”

Through the contributions of Action 1.1.2 of the OP FESR 2014-2020, services were provided belonging to the category of the innovation catalog C.1 "Support Services to Innovation in Marketing" and to category C. 4 "Development of networks specialized distribution and e-commerce / e-business systems ". Specifically, a preliminary analysis was carried out, consultancy aimed at repositioning on the market, support for the implementation of an e-business system (based on lending pages), an innovative neuro marketing project and the development of a web and social marketing plan. Through the realization of the project, Montaggi Industriali was able to completely redefine its image to enhance its presence on the web and on social networks to stand out from its competitors.

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Via P. S. Mattarella, 2, 98044 Olivarella-Corriolo (Messina)